Our Work  

Public Relations

"Flirting" Web Site Goes from Great Idea to Overnight National Sensation Overnight

A leading social networking Web site geared to "flirting both on the road and on-line" was being launched. An introductory press release was distributed nationally to lifestyle-based broadcast and print media, including morning radio "shock jocks." Within the first two weeks, the founder of the site was interviewed on 67 radio shows, featured in 6 half- to full-page articles in major market newspapers, and appeared on national TV networks such as Fox TV and CNN's "The Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer.

Additionally, we created "flirting tips" for key holidays, e.g., Valentine's Day, and hired a "Flirting Expert" who acted as the site's spokesperson, appearing in a multitude of broadcast and print outlets throughout the nation.

College Financing Expert Shares Tips with National Audience

We positioned an area accountant with knowledge of college financing options as a subject matter expert. Created "monthly tips" series which was regularly picked up by 38 newspapers throughout the country. These tips also enabled the client to appear on national radio and TV programs such as MSNBC, MarketWatch, Bloomberg and the International Herald Tribune.

Simple Story Shares Non-profit's Need

County-wide non-profit geared to assisting senior citizens needed one press release to announce its volunteer driver reimbursement program. The article was picked up by three local newspapers, attracting 5 volunteers and a company interested in contributing $500 in gasoline cards.

Database Marketing

Software Firm Keeps Clients Informed via Robust Database

A national educational software manufacturer and distributor needed to get the word out about new products and updates to existing products. We developed a year-round print lead generation direct mail campaign to highly segmented audiences. A complex database was created tracked responses from lead generation to purchase and follow-up. Since several different editions of the software were available, the database tracked version number, maintenance expiration date, as well as many other factors, for cross-sell and upsell opportunities. The firm experienced 68% retention rates due to the program’s success.

Complex Database Tracks Children’s Shop Purchases, Client Needs

We developed a complex database for a children’s furniture shop from paper invoices, estimates and salespeople's' notes, eventually totaling more than 6,000 files. The database not only tracked recency, frequency and dollar purchase, but tracked purchases based on the child's birthdate. This enabled the firm to offer its clients information and incentives based on key lifecycle purchases.

Regional Healthcare Institution Gains Efficiency Through Simple Data Cleansing

A regional nonprofit healthcare institution sends quarterly newsletter to 250,000 area residents. The previous vendor had merged lists together, but performed no cleansing. Some recipients received two to three newsletters at one time. Let's Be Direct LLC created a new database and performed simple merge purge techniques which decreased internal list duplicates by 22%. This afforded the organization the opportunity to rent new prospect mailing lists, something they had not been able to do in the past.

Combination Programs

Job Search Web Site Uses PR, E-Mail Marketing to Attract National Exposure

A new job search Web site had little money to share their message. We developed an ongoing issues- and event-oriented public relations program that provided multiple opportunities for national exposure in print, broadcast and online media. Two weekly e-newsletters were produced, one to 10,000+ job seekers and prospects; the second to more than 33,000 employers and prospects. This multi-media approach led to the site being recognized as the top brand in its niche.

Local School/Camp Increases Revenue 50% with Low-Cost Multimedia Campaign

A database-driven e-mail marketing campaign was devised for a local school/camp that combined incorporated strategic purchasing decision timing with various class/product offerings. These campaigns were enhanced with lead-generating public relations campaigns. The organization achieved a 50% increase in revenue after one year of working with them.

Multi-Channel Approach Gets Career Networking Group Off and Running

A nationally-recognized career counselor wanted to provide clients and prospects with additional support via fee-based monthly networking group. We prepared an ongoing public relations campaign, and print- and e-mail based direct marketing campaigns to various segments of the community. We also devised a complex database which tracked prospect and member data. The program attracted an average of 60 paid members per month for the 13 months it was in existence.